Get the facts about Chris Ryan from Syracuse who's running for New York State Senate.


Radicals and extremists are fighting hard to set the agenda in Albany to achieve their vision for NY’s future.

They want to prioritize criminal’s rights and defund the police, make NY a “sanctuary state” for illegal migrants, allow the state government to take over health care — and impose stunningly high new taxes to fund all of it.

They need legislators who will not only go along, but champion these same extremist priorities.

That’s why they handpicked Chris Ryan to run for State Senate.

  • Chris Ryan is backed by the extremist Working Families Party. These NYC-based radicals want to raise taxes, embolden criminals by weakening public safety laws and empower government bureaucrats to make critical choices about your personal health care.
  • They like Chris Ryan because he’s already raised taxes as a local legislator—and made it harder for Central NY families to make ends meet, while at the same time voting to raise his own pay.
  • With Chris Ryan’s vote, they’ll raise billions of dollars in new taxes, including taxes on retirees’ savings accounts and money you leave for your children. (S.2782, S.3462, S.8277).
  • Chris Ryan supports the NY Health Act, a radical plan that would give state bureaucrats—not doctors and patients—greater say over your health care choices (S.7590)
  • In the wake of deadly anti-police riots across the country, Chris Ryan voted to slash funding for police, cutting funds that were to be used to buy body cameras—the same devices favored by police reformers and law-abiding citizens who favor better accountability. He’s the perfect front for extremists who want to tie the hands of law enforcement.
  • Ryan’s backers in the Working Families Party fought for “cashless bail,” and they’ve blocked efforts to repeal the law which has resulted in thousands of violent criminals being set free, including many who committed new crimes.
  • Ryan’s backers want to reduce prison sentences and make it easier for murderers to get freed more quickly. They want to legalize prostitution and dangerous drugs—even heroin and fentanyl. They’re leading the charge to close more prisons. (S.399, S.2340, S.4396, S.7118)

Extremists’ “sanctuary state” policies have resulted in hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants coming to NY’s cities and suburban communities, including in CNY. State Democrats have spent more than $4 billion in state taxpayer money to feed, clothe and house these migrants—and even to provide free, unrestricted gift cards for their personal use.  They’re pushing for even more giveaways, like free college tuition and preferences for government jobs. (S.1250)

It’s hard enough to make ends meet in NY. High taxes and a higher cost of living effect every Central NY family. Instead of fighting to make it more affordable to live here, Chris Ryan will support policies that make it tougher for hardworking New Yorkers to succeed.

  • Both as a town official and a county legislator, Chris Ryan supported higher government spending. That increased costs for CNY families and businesses.
  • Ryan voted against a local law to offer lower parks fees for veterans and members of the US military.
  • At the height of the pandemic, when businesses were shutting down and millions of New Yorkers were left without a paycheck, Ryan voted to impose a new tax on residential energy bills. Ryan’s energy tax even extended to firewood—and made it more expensive to heat our homes in the middle of the Central NY winter and get businesses opened again. (Res. #86)
  • Ryan supports the kind of radical energy policies that are making NY unaffordable. He’s backed by extremists who want to ban gas-powered cars and stoves, and force homeowners to spend thousands of dollars to convert their home heating to 100% electric. (S.2016)
  • Environmental extremists also are counting on Ryan to provide a key vote on their plan to strictly regulate food and other packaging for products sold in NY stores. Unions warn that the plan will raise the cost of groceries, force stores to pull from shelves some of the most popular brands and items because they won’t meet the overly burdensome requirements and result in layoffs and loss of jobs for grocery store workers. (S.4246)

NY is facing serious problems. Inflation and runaway state spending are hurting our families. “Sanctuary” migrant policies and exploding crime rates are making our communities less safe.

Chris Ryan is backed by extremists who want to double down on radical, left-wing policies that caused an explosion of illegal migrants in our cities and suburban communities.

Chris Ryan will continue to vote for more government spending, and higher taxes that will drive more businesses and families out of NY State.

Chris Ryan will support a radical energy agenda that will drive up costs and add to the strain on our already overburdened electric grid.

We must restore common sense, balance, and responsible leadership to our State government.